Round Two

Family and Friends,

Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf. We have tangibly felt the Spirit comforting us far beyond what our circumstances might normally allow, and we know that is from the many intercessions of His dear saints and the grace of our Good Father. We have moved into an apartment in Houston, TX and are missing you all deeply. Sawyer tolerated his first round of chemo very well, and we are very thankful for that. We have an update to share with you all.

 Sawyer’s cancer was tested and found positive for a gene that helps the cancer cells “hide” from his immune system. This is big news because there are drugs to target this hiding ability, one of which Sawyer’s cancer fits with is Nivolumab. This new drug is an antibody drug which has the potential to inhibit the hiding ability of his cancer and allow his own immune system to attack the cancer directly. We are hopeful and prayerful that alongside his other chemo medications that it will do the job and help destroy all the cancer that is in his esophagus and lungs, in Jesus’ name. We have been praying for an antibody drug because his cancer is from genetic problems and some antibody drugs can combat these genetic problems and can make the standard cancer treatments more effective as well as provide potential opportunities for long-term treatments against the cancer.  

Sawyer is scheduled to get re-scanned in 6 weeks. This scan will help us determine if the current treatment is working, including the new drug, Nivolumab. Please continue joining us in prayer for complete and unexplainable healing. He will receive his first dose of the Nivolumab tomorrow, 8/22/2020 alongside his usual chemo as well. The Nivolumab works with his immune system, so there are some possible side effects due to the heightening of his immune system. Please pray with us against these side effects for his infusion tomorrow and beyond.

 It is worth noting that Sawyer’s main symptom was difficulty swallowing, and since his first round of chemo, his swallowing has improved already compared to pre-treatment. We are praising the Lord for this because his oncologist said that Sawyer would be the first to know if the treatment is working and shrinking the tumor because of his swallowing, and his swallowing has been better! Also, his chemo can affect his kidneys, blood counts, and other things, but his lab work resulted yesterday and showed that all of his numbers are just as good as they were before starting treatment. We are thankful for the Lord’s provision of an otherwise healthy body and protection from possible side effects thus far.

Friends, let’s implore of the Lord to make His name great in and through this journey and that He would have great mercy on Sawyer and heal him completely. I have been reminded of Isaiah 43:1-3 over the past couple of weeks and have been encouraged and comforted by it. This had been my prayer for Sawyer’s first year of residency and now looking back on it, I had no idea the weight it would carry just a few months later. We pray it encourages you as well. “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be WITH you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” Isaiah 43:1-3 He is with us. He is NEAR.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus be upon you. 

-Sawyer and Amy




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